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Friday, 31 May 2019

Association for Baha'i Studies Annual Conference

The Association for Baha'i Studies is hosting their 43rd Annual Conference from 10 am August 8th to 1 pm August 11th, 2019 at the Westin Hotel, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The theme of the conference is "Beyond Critique: Laying the Groundwork for Social Transformation", and the 2019 conference "invites intellectual pursuits that endeavor to correlate the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh with lines of inquiry in various fields and disciplines in order to effect change at the level of thought, with further implications for change in practice and attitude. Specifically, we welcome contributions that help us grapple with the following questions:

  • How can we explore fundamental defects in present knowledge systems, while at the same time, advancing our understanding and generating spiritually grounded alternatives?
  • How can we engage in a critique of the underlying ideologies of knowledge systems without being limited by relativist, postmodern and materialistic modes of thinking?
  • Through Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation, how can we ensure that our contribution to discourse includes both a deep understanding of what is, but also informed insights of what could be?
  • How can Bahá’í scholarship contribute to knowledge that seeks to lay the groundwork for new social structures built on principles of justice and oneness?"
(from https://bahai-studies.ca/theme-statement-and-call-for-presentations/).
If you would like to attend, registration details are provided here: https://bahai-studies.ca/upcoming-conference/upcoming-conference-registration/